Build Executive Support for Progress

In our prior audit selection blog posts, we discussed the significance and benefits of data-driven audit selection. In our most recent post, we discussed the nuances of data management and the art of data science. We are confident that these will create major departures from how you have traditionally approached audit selection.

To help you realize a more productive future, we are going to turn our attention to change leadership. To enact change, one of the first critical phases is creating a climate for change. While we may just want to ignore the individuals that fall back on the excuse “we have always done it this way,” ignoring the negativity is not an effective way of leading change. One of the first steps is to create a sense of urgency based on the importance of finding new methods to boost compliance. That sense of urgency can be based on the rapid increase in fraud techniques that you are not discovering actively. The second step is to create a powerful coalition with people that are aligned with that perspective. While there is strength in numbers, there is more strength with key influencers. With a small cadre of proactive supporters, you can collectively create a vision for change. You will have a significant advantage if they help create that vision. They will have a sense of ownership to help move it forward within their circle of influence.

The next critical phase is engaging and enabling the organization. This is the time to get more of the organization involved. The first step in this phase is to communicate the vision. If you have your powerful coalition prepared, they will help you convey the vision through a variety of channels (e.g., team meetings, posters, newsletter, etc.). You need to be prepared to do more than just talk about it – you need to be prepared to empower action throughout the team. It is critical to remember that you are leading the change. This means you do not need to execute every action personally. However, you can help the team create quick wins. Even though they may be small steps, any step forward needs to be recognized and celebrated.

The last phase capitalizes on momentum to build more momentum. This is the phase where you are implementing and sustaining change. In this phase, the first step is to build on the changes that have been successful. Each small victory is critical to build toward the next victory. To use the old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Your coalition needs to be prepared to provide continuous support to maintain progress. This will allow you to help make change stick. For many organizations, it will take at least one year to make the new way the way you do all of our work. You will get there with patience and perseverance.

XDS believes the biggest success factor is trying a series of small, controlled experiments delivered as proofs-of-concept for acceptance and momentum. These will help you contain risks and raise awareness of your quick wins. If you are having problems demonstrating your first success in 90 days, you may want to call us. We have the ability to leap over barriers and deliver rapid results.